NW is not only carried, but really made by the community. Artists, friends, neighbours, sponsors, cinephiles, volunteers, schools and other enthusiasts contribute to the multi-layered activity in NW. Families and young people also grace our house with their presence. Fancy getting involved? On this page you will find all the ways you can do so.
- Become a friend of NW: Friends of NW consists of local arts lovers, entrepreneurs and sympathisers who believe in arts and culture as driving forces for our Dender region. Their support helps us not only to develop an ambitious programme, but also to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
- Become a volunteer: When we talk about our ‘team’, we are not just talking about people who have made NW their regular job. It also includes our fantastic volunteers. All hands, heads and hearts are desperately needed to make NW what it is. (Or, better yet: what it could be). That is why we cherish our volunteers as an indispensable part of our team!
- Become our colleague: A team is like a living being. It is constantly growing, changing and evolving. Sometimes it needs new energy. When that happens, you will find all our vacancies here.
- Become an intern: Want to do your internship at NW? You can! We offer both part-time and full-time internships in various disciplines. Everything depends on your availability and your teaching programme, but we do ask you to be available for at least two months. This gives you enough time to learn, gain experience and settle into our team.
- Share your idea: Do you have an idea? Contact us and feel free to share.
In NW, you can find a nice selection of school films. Come to the movies with your class and enjoy a great film experience. There is an offer for pre-school, primary and secondary schools.
Families & Youth
Discover our various activities, all designed with you in mind!
- Flosjkesfabriek: A multi-purpose stage for listening and snooping; hushed reading moments and a drawing corner.
- Rekker Station: A DIY animation box developed by Studio REKKER. We take children and youngsters on an audiovisual adventure into the universe of stop motion animation.
- Smuldag: Children’s film on Sunday (once a month)
And there is more… NW has a Film Club for young people. Are you crazy about film too? Always wanted to run a cinema? Do you like to look beyond yet another blockbuster? Then this might be something for you. Are you 15+ and interested in film and would like to share this with others? Then let us hear from you at celine@nw-aalst.be
- Diversplus inspires and moves with actions that have a positive impact on society. For mums and young people. They organise low-threshold activities that bring people together. For professionals from education and the social sector. Diverplus offers training on a variety of themes linked to diversity and sustainability.
- Rotor is a multidisciplinary workshop in Aalst. A meeting place that offers space and time for artistic creation, experimentation and presentation.
- The Knitting Club is a group of people who use our café on a regular basis to knit all kinds of creations.