All ProgrammeCabinet of Imagination
Mark Bain, Rossella Biscotti / Jean-Baptiste Ganne / Šejla Kamerić / PH.ON / Ursula Mayer / Gert Robijns / Kelly Schacht / Clemens von Wedemeyer & Maya Schweizer
Lorenzo Benedetti (°1972) developed activities as project curator of Volume!, a non profit contemporary art foundation, and as co-curator of the Sound Art Museum in Rome. Since 2007 he is the exhibition curator of the MARTa-museum in Herford, Germany (artistic director: Jan Hoet).
Recently, he curated the survey exhibition Der eigene Weg. Perspektiven der Belgischen Kunst in Kuppersmuhle, Duisburg.
An exhibition has become a concentrated space, where concepts such as time and space are more intense. Different situations, intertwining fictional and social (‘real’) elements, are put together, which gives an incredible potential to combine unlimited perspectives in the same space. By the same token, an exhibition can create a special moment in which the visitor is able to cross over and face different situations happening in other contexts and other moments. Historical, political and social elements are fused together with everyday life and the imaginary.
The title Cabinet of Imagination refers to a particular space that, even if small, has the potential to integrate different elements to create meaningful situations. The artists are making a space within the space, a reality inside another reality; like a game of Chinese boxes, where observation is the only compass.