All ProgrammeInfo~Angel presents itself
The first in a series of presentations based on archival material chronicling Aalst’s progressive past and that of the wider Dender region.
In 1974, the town of Aalst’s Centrum voor Samenlevingsvernieuwing (‘Centre for Societal Renewal’) sprang to life. Back then, the centre, from which NW later emerged, hosted a wide range of organisations and voices with the goal of collectively thinking about society’s complexities and envisioning alternative future paths.
At the heart of the centre was the Info~Angel group. In the corridor of the local pub ‘t Utopieken (‘Little Utopia’), Info~Angel curated informative exhibitions, each centred on a specific theme. Through art displays, lectures, film screenings, theatre performances and discussions, the group thoroughly explored the topic at hand, guided by the belief that an understanding of ‘the other’ was key in order to be able to live together. The name Info~Angel – angel being the Dutch word for an insect’s stinger – signifies the intent of these exhibitions to leave visitors with impactful information that stays with them long after the original ‘sting’.
The group was generous in their efforts to inform audiences. Drawing inspiration from Info~Angel and the Centre for Societal Renewal, NW is organising a series of Info~Angel exhibitions that illuminate the history of Aalst and the Dender region. What lies concealed in our local past? What stimulates (or ‘stings’) us? And what captures our attention?
This first presentation takes its title from the introductory presentation of the Info~Angel group in 1974.