All ProgrammeMohamed El baz
Bricoler l'incurable.détails

As an artist, Mohamed El baz (°1967, MA) has only one goal before him: to fix the things around him, in his own words “the irreparable.” In his work El baz explores the notions of borders and territories, especially those what would raise barriers between individuals. El baz plays upon three themes in his work: the everyday, the autobiographical and the playful. The work itself is nomadic and transforms itself according to the context.
I.c.w. La Malterie (Lille).
The exhibition is a part of the European project Interreg IVa ‘2 Mers Seas Zeeën’ Cross-boarder cooperative programme 2007-2013. This project is a cooperation between Aspex (Portsmouth), Boem vzw (Kunst & Zwalm), Fabrica (Brighton), L’H du Siège (Valenciennes), La Malterie (Lille) and Netwerk (Aalst). United by the motto ‘Investing in your future’ sustainable strategies for audience paticipation are developed. More info: Iris, Contemporary Art Network