All ArtistsSimon Van Schuylenbergh

Simon Van Schuylenbergh (1994) is a Belgian performer living and working in Brussels (Belgium). He graduated in 2017 from the Master’s Program of drama at KASK in Ghent. Starting in 2015 he made several ‘solos with zebras’, which he played in several cities in Flanders and the Netherlands.
Simon’s main artistic interest is creating community, around artistic practices and proposing different modes of productions as an antidote for the neoliberal ideology that governs our daily reality and life.
From 2018 – 2022 Simon lived, runned and worked in Volksroom Brussels together with performers Nathan Ooms, Micha Goldberg, Louis Van Haverbeke, Rosie Sommers, Sophia Rodriguez, Lydia Mcglinchey, Hanako Hayakawa and Sophia Danae Vorvilla.
In the summer of 2019 he founded the performance platform ‘ne mosquito pas’ where a community of artists reflect together on their personal notion of failure and success. Ne mosquito pas has been shown in many official and nonofficial places in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Poland. More info:
Together with artists connected to ‘ne mosquito pas’ they are creating a first large-scale group-performance by using codes of representation of traditional theater to create a total new way of stage work by the title: “GERMAN STAATS THEATER.”
He performs this season in the opera: ‘a revue’ by Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe and ‘Friction’ by Sophia Rodriguez.